Fire Pits Extends Backyard Use to All Year round

No longer will a wood deck with a barbecue do for many homeowners wanting to enjoy their back yards. These days, accessorizing means amenities like ponds, flower beds, vegetable gardens, outdoor kitchens, and, increasingly, fire pits that crackle and glow. One reason for a fire pits appeal? According to Sacramento, Calif., landscape designer Michael Glassman,…

Springfree Trampoline Safe and Fun!

Calling yourself “The World’s Safest Trampoline” is easy, but actually backing it up and ensuring that this is the case is impressive. After much research and learning about the Springfree product, the technology, the design, and the safety features, this was clearly the only option for us.  While I am comfortable with some level of…

PlaySets Outdoor Safety Tips

Having a backyard playset opens up a whole new world for children, whether their imaginations turn it into a pirate ship or a princess castle. For parents, though, a play set opens up new anxieties. Keep these five tips in mind to ease your worries and help keep your family safe during outdoor play. Area…

A Playhouse is the Natural Solution to Promote Exercise & Get your Vitamin D

A playhouse opens up the opportunities for a child to go back and forth in and out of the weather, getting more fresh air, Vitamin D, and extra exercise that they might not get while playing inside the house. Health Benefits of Fresh Air from Having a Playhouse Getting much-needed fresh air has many health…