Why You Should Make Farm Fresh Eggs Your New Year’s Resolution

Why You Should Make Farm Fresh Eggs Your New Year's Resolution

January is a great time for fresh starts and pursuing healthier habits. And one way to jump start better eating habits is by incorporating better ingredients. Eggs are a staple in many diets, but not all eggs are created equal. Here are a few reasons why you should choose farm-fresh free-range eggs. Better-For-You Eggs In a…

Why You Should Join the Urban Coop Backyard Chicken Movement

Why You Should Join the Urban Coop Movement

The American dream frequently features a quiet little home with a white picket fence. But these traditional picket fences weren’t just decorative accents for your yard. They were originally built to keep small flocks of poultry inside the yard. America has a long history of keeping chickens, so it’s refreshing that the urban coop movement has grown in…

5 Reasons to Raise Chickens

5 Reasons to Raise Chickens

Fresh eggs are just one reason why more Texans are adding chickens to their backyards. If you’re thinking about joining the urban coop movement, here are our top five reasons why you’ll love raising chickens. 1. Pasture raised chickens lay healthier eggs than factory farm chickens. Chickens that forage and have access to the great…

Chicken Tractors vs. Chicken Coops

Chicken Tractors v Chicken Coops Homefield New Braunfels Corpus Christi

Raising backyard chickens isn’t quite as simple as just introducing a few chicks to your backyard and putting out a food bowl. Like any other outdoor pet, it’s important to provide your animals with adequate shelter from the elements. Fido may have his doghouse, but your chicken has a couple of choices to roost in….