Fun Olympic Activities for Kids

Fun Olympic Activities for Kids

The Opening Ceremonies of the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics start on August 5, and the summer games are a great time to engage your children and get them excited about participating in sports. Get the kiddos in the Olympic spirit by hosting your own backyard sporting events. Trampoline Trampolining has been part of the Olympic Games since Sydney…

2 New Trampoline Games for your Springfree tgoma

2 Brand New tgoma Games!

The tgoma game system already has seven amazing games to get you bouncing and exercising the brain. This week the folks at Springfree Trampolines and tgoma have released two new games for the tgoma interactive trampoline system! Check them out. Ditto Love matching games? Ditto! This is the tgoma version of the classic card matching game. The…

Choosing a Trampoline for Texas Conditions

How To Choose a Trampoline for Texas Weather

As with most outdoor products, many trampolines will spend all year outside experiencing the full force of the harsh Texas climate. Here are some of the key aspects to be aware of when choosing the right trampoline for your Texas home. Rust Especially prevalent along the Texas coast, rust is a slow killer of outdoor equipment. Whether…

7 Video Games to Get You Active

7 Video Games that Get You Active

Springfree featuring tgoma is changing the definition of trampoline. Springfree has combined their high-quality and safety conscious design with tgoma’s unique outdoor digital gaming system to elevate the backyard experience for jumpers of all ages. tgoma has games for everyone. It’s got everything from high-energy activity games to educational games for exercising both body and brain. And…